Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blog Post #6

What do you learn from these conversations with Anthony Capps?

Anthony Capps is a very successful teacher in Baldwin County. It was a great learning opportunity to be able to have access to these videos. He has been exactly where we are, and has become a better teacher because of it. The statement that caught my attention most was stated by Capps, "Never limit your students, by giving them exactly what you want them to do. Create an opportunity for them to go beyond what you want them to do. They will do it." I learned throughout the series that kids will surprise you. They will teach you things, and you will teach them things. If you go into this profession thinking that you, the teacher, know it all. You are completely wrong. A lot of things covered in these videos I have, nor would have, ever thought of. He explained his different style of teaching, project based learning, and how it has changed his classroom. He told stories of his different projects he has give to his students. Some went great, but others turned out to be different than planned. He explained that a part of being a great teacher is being flexible. Things will not always go as planned, and that is okay. It is important to keep an open mind and go with the flow.

Using technology in the classroom is still a new concept for most of us. The most I used a computer for in my elementary classes were for AR reading test. We must not teach technology, but simply use it. The students have been growing up in a technology based society, they probably know more about things that we do. By giving them the opportunity to use these different types of technology in their projects, they improve their skills for use in the future. Capps said that we should scaffold the technology starting at the beginning of the school year. Do not expect things to be perfect. Let them use one tool at a time, and progress them with each project. They will remember how to use certain things to better their individual work.

Lastly, I learned how to be a teacher. Being a teacher is more than just going in, doing the minimum work, sending the students home, and your day is over. Being a teacher is being a learner. You constantly want to learn new things, or how to better yourself. You catch yourself talking with others about new ideas. You research different styles, and know how to tie it in to your ACCRS standards. You should love what you do. Be excited about seeing your students light up about things. You are changing their lives. Even if you do not feel like you make a difference, they are becoming a better person because of you. Keep the fire and excitement into teaching. Those are the teachers that make this world a better place.

Links to all of Dr. Strange and Anthony Capps videos:
1. Project Based Learning Part 1
2. Project Based Learning Part 2
3. iCurio
4. Discovery Education
5. The Anthony- Strange List of Tips for Teachers part 1
6. Don't Teach it. Use it.
7. Additional Thoughts About Lessons


  1. Coley,

    I was also impressed by Anthony Capps' accomplishments. He is a great role model and example of how we should strive to be as teachers. I liked how you said, "The students have been growing up in a technology based society, they probably know more about things that we do." I am doing my observation hours this semester in a second-grade classroom in Baldwin County and it amazing to see what all the kids can (and know how to) do on their iPads, and I definitely have some catching up to do! However, we must learn whatever we need to learn to be the best teachers we can be for our students, and for that I am grateful for Capps' advice.

  2. Great post! Anthony Capps seems to be a great teacher, he is inspirational. I agree we are learners and the students are going to be teaching us as well. We as teachers do not know everything and will never know everything.
