Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blog Post #8

The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

What an inspiration! Randy Pausch is an unbelievable role model to look up to. His outlook on his situation and life is how we should all be. He's a very positive person. This video had a lot to offer, I learned a lot of different things. The one thing that stood out the most to me, which seems to be an ongoing theme to my learning here in EDM310. Being a teacher is not an easy job. It never will be easy, and it is not for everyone. We will always mess up, we will run into problems, and we will be setback in many things. "Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things." As teachers, we want nothing as badly as our students to succeed. Our job is to give it our all, even if it does not go as smoothly as we want them to.

When Pausch was telling his stories about working as a professor. He assigned his students a two week project. When they came back in two weeks, their projects were amazing. He called his mentor and asked what he should do. He replied, tell them that was good, but they can do better.You don't know where the bar should be, but you're doing them a dishonor by setting it somewhere. This can be applied to every day teaching as well. Do not set a standard because they will not go beyond that. Encourage them, make them be thinkers and doers. We humans are not meant to be alone, we are meant to help one another. I want to be the kind of teacher who truly helps my students become a better version of themselves.

Randy Pausch is such an inspirational person. For anyone who truly wants to better themselves, especially teachers and future teachers. He was lucky enough to have many people who inspired him, therefore he is returning the favor to his students, fellow Disney Imageers, and by posting this video. Throughout his life he never gave up on his childhood dreams. He is evidence that anything is possible if you give it your all. Even though he only lives to be 47 years old, he has left a lasting impression. I recommend this video for anyone and everyone. Teaching will not be easy, but it is worth it all to inspire the people in your life.


  1. Hi Coley,
    I too enjoyed this video lecture. It was my favorite assignment so far. I would recommend this lecture to anyone. I enjoyed reading you post. I found a few errors.
    First off your picture is a great picture but you ATL and tag modifier is not done correctly. Secondly, this sentence "The one the stood out the most to me, which seems to be an ongoing theme to my learning here in EDM310." seems to be worded wrong. Overall, I enjoyed reading your post!
